Peter Rousu

Guitarist - Bassist - Educator - Composer

Peter completed his education at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm in the mid 90's taking his degree in jazz, electric bass and pedagogy. He has since then performed and taught in numerous contexts, for the most part as a bass player but even as a guitarist. Working as bandleader and musician, Peter has worked in the following constellations:

Fatang:......a trio delving into the world music tradition originating from the region of Uppsala in Sweden. Fatang has released four critically acclaimed records.

Stora Vägen:....a guitar trio centered around delivering lyrical and sensitive music to discerning audiences. The trio will be releasing it first record in May, 2025.

Supernova:.....a duo together with master fiddler, Patrik Andersson. Their folk music originates from the Swedish district of Sörmland and is strongly influenced by Norwegian traditional music. Their first record was released in 2015.

Jeanett & Peter:...a duo where two musicians sound as one voice. To live and play together makes for an organic and intimate collaboration. The duo has done several productions through the years, including: Zorns folk music, the mass- Upp min Duva and Krokiga låtar och spelmän.

Halifax Rättvik Trio:....a newly started trio that can best be described as a mix of music that reflects the vast expanses of the Atlantic ocean and the mountainous terrain of their home region, Dalarna.

Hanna Wiskari:.....a duo with the fenomenal Hanna Wiskari on the saxaphone. (Well known from the supergroup Goodland Trio)

As a musik teacher, Peter has worked over 25 years at diverse schools and levels and has since 2016 worked as a freelance educator.

Peter teaches: bass, guitar (Swedish folk music), ensemble (jazz, pop, rock and folk music) Improvisation, composition and arranging.

As a composer Peter has written and arranged more than 100 pieces of music, from jazz to classical to sacred music. Many of these compositions can be heard on the multiple CD projects Peter has played on and released.

Instrument lessons

Peter gives instruction on guitar and the electric bass, both individually or in groups.

(IRL or via Zoom) You can develop your ability to play both melodies and chords, develop harmonies, accompaniments and bass lines. You can focus on technique, rhythm, timing or whatever can make you a better instrumentalist.


Do you wish to develop your ability to play together with others? How can you develop the ability to make harmonies, accompaniment and improvisations? Peter is the perfect musician to help you develop and coach you to new musical heights.



Peter ger lektioner på gitarr och elbas. Individuellt eller i grupp. IRL eller via Zoom.  

Du får jobba med melodispel, ackord, stämspel, komp, basgångar, teknik, rytmik, tajming och allt som gör dig till en bättre instrumentalist.


Vill ni utveckla ert ensemblespelande? Hur gör man stämmor, kompfigurer, improvisationer? Låt Peters mångåriga erfarenhet som bandledare, arrangör och coach guida er till nya musikaliska höjder.